The Greatness of God’s System

God’s Kingdom
For the past two weeks, we have talked about God’s system in a very broad sense. Any time the terminology “God’s System” is used in this blog, you can think of it as referring to God’s Kingdom. It should be clear from our discussion last week that there are visible and invisible kingdoms at work in the world, but God’s Kingdom is superior to them all in every way. Understanding how the Kingdom operates and how to apply it is an important aspect to having victory in the managing of our finances and accumulating of wealth. Some of us, as Christians, struggle in these areas for that very reason. We understand the Kingdom for the most part, but when it comes to applying its principles, we either lack clarity on how to do so or we choose not to be obedient to them. This blog is intended to guide us through the entire process by a) helping us understand the Kingdom, b) helping us learn how to apply its principles especially in the area of finances and wealth, and c) encouraging us to obey God’s word concerning these areas by showing the blessings of obedience along with the ramifications of disobedience. In this week’s post, we discuss the importance of having a strong spiritual foundation of understanding regarding the Kingdom. We also discuss some of the characteristics that make it so great. One great benefit of learning more about how God’s Kingdom operates is that we will be able to apply it in all areas of our lives, not just wealth and finances—family, health, marriage, relationships, careers, and more.
Creating the foundation

We have discussed the Kingdom in a broad sense first, instead of getting into specifics of finances and wealthaccumulation right away for a very good reason. Please trust me when I say that we are building up to those topics and when the insights are shared, they will be empowering. Nevertheless, it is important that we take the time to lay a strong spiritual foundation on which to build that knowledge and insight. There are two primary reasons why such an approach is necessary:
- FIRST REASON: The word of God needs to be the basis for your financial and wealth accumulation strategies, but it takes spiritual understanding to get the revelation from God’s word that is needed. The “secrets of the kingdom”, as Jesus refers to them in Matthew 13:11, are hidden within the scripture. Some people read or hear the scriptures and attain the revelation while some read or hear the same words, but don’t. It takes a certain mindset to first hear the word of God and then understand or seek to understand these mysteries. This is why, in the gospel of Matthew Chapter 13, Jesus says:
16 But blessed are your eyes because they see, and your ears because they hear. 17 For truly I tell you, many prophets and righteous people longed to see what you see but did not see it, and to hear what you hear but did not hear it.
- SECOND REASON: The strong spiritual foundation we are pursuing will result in lasting power. Jesus refers to “the word” as seed in Luke 8:11 . All seed that is planted in the correct environment under the right conditions produces and bears fruit (we will discuss this revelation more extensively in future posts as it is an important Kingdom principle that applies to many other things involved with this journey). God intends the fruit of the word and your faith in the word to remain (John 15:16). If you gain knowledge of how to manage finances and build wealth without a spiritual foundation of truth, it will be a scenario like the man who built his house on sand (Luke 6:47-49). From the ground up, the structure probably looked good, but when the first storm came, it fell. A building that cannot last through one storm is a building you do not want to live in. It has no lasting power. Why is that? Because storms can be unpredictable, but they are also inevitable. Any building with an inadequate foundation will be at high risk of collapsing every time a storm comes. This is not the type of foundation on which we would want to build the wealth that God brings into our lives. He wants it to last through generations for us.
The COVID-19 “Famine”
We just established that storms can be unpredictable but are also inevitable. The same can be said for periods of famine. The biggest difference between a storm and a famine is not necessarily the impact of each, but rather the duration of each. Famines last for extended amounts of time and, as a result, resources become scarce. COVID-19 has created a famine-type of experience for a majority of the world. What does the word of God instruct us to do in the face of a famine?
During a famine when resources become scarce, a spiritually-minded individual recognizes that all his or her resources have been graciously given by God the Father, who is the ultimate sourceof all things (Romans 11:36 and Psalm 89:11). Although resources may become scarce, the spiritually-minded person trusts God to continue being the source he can always go directly to for supply. The confidence and assurance that he has in God means he will never experience lack. He is also able to maintain peace in the face of famine and storms that the world around him cannot understand (Philippians 4:7).
This is not the case for a carnally-minded individual. Such a person considers things like money, wealth, education, skills, gifts, talents, governments, corporations, markets, careers, etc. as his source—not just a resource that has come from the LORD. In famine when resources become scarce, the carnally-minded man has nowhere to go for his ultimate source of supply and therefore panics, operates in fear, and ends up suffering greater loss as a result.
We see this illustrated in the story of Joseph who became second in command under the pharaoh of Egypt in the Old Testament. The favor of God manifested so strongly in Joseph’s life that he was able to become prime minister in the same country he had initially been a prisoner. How was this possible? Simply put—it was God and an unwavering recognition of Him as Joseph’s ultimate source: the source of his vision, the source of his deliverance, the source of his gifts, and the source of his blessings. Therefore, no matter what he faced, he stayed committed to his relationship with God. Like Joseph, when you are in a covenant relationship with God the Father, you don’t respond to famine with fear and despair , you respond with faith and divine solutions. It is your relationship with the Father through Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit of Truth living in you that prepares you for these times. As with Joseph, the blessings being channeled through you will bless you, your family, those around you, and even entire nations.
Characteristics of God’s Kingdom
We are now going to discuss some of the characteristics of God’s kingdom that make it so great as compared to anything the world can offer. We see in scripture where Satan tempted Jesus with the glory of the world’s kingdoms, but Jesus knew the full glory of God’s Kingdom and therefore refused them (see Luke 4:5-8). If Satan tempted Jesus with the world’s kingdoms, how likely is it that we are going to be tempted with the same? Very likely! What do we need to overcome the temptation and lure of the world’s systems? The same thing our Savior used—the word of truth and revelation of the comparative greatness of God’s Kingdom.
God’s Kingdom is characterized by truth. His word is true (John 17:17), His promises are true (II Corinthians 1:20), and our path to Him through Jesus is the true way (John 14:6). The Apostle Paul shows just how much higher God’s truth is regarded by him compared to everyone else’s in his letter to the Romans:
3 What if some were unfaithful? Will their unfaithfulness nullify God’s faithfulness? 4 Not at all! Let God be true, and every human being a liar. As it is written: “So that you may be proved right when you speak and prevail when you judge.” Romans 3:3-4
When explorers navigate the wilderness, they rely on compasses to point them to “true” North which allows them to get oriented. No matter how lost or off course they become, they are always able to get back on course if true North is known. The word of God and His Kingdom is “true North” for every Christian navigating this life. When you feel lost, it is the truth of God, His Word, and His Kingdom that will get you oriented and back on track.
God’s Kingdom is characterized by overflow and abundance. When we operate in the truth of His word and apply it correctly, we experience abundant blessings (Malachi 3:10) which manifest in many and various ways including wealth. They are granted in heaven, but the manifestation of them is seen and experienced by us in the earth.
God’s Kingdom is able to withstand any and every occurrence or event in heaven or earth that you can think of. It is the firmest foundation we can build our faith on. It is knowledge of this characteristic that allowed Joseph to have a solution for surviving the seven years of famine (read Genesis 41 for the entire story). Notice, that Joseph did not request that God stop the famine because he recognized that God, in His sovereignty, had already firmly decided the matter (Genesis 41:32)and had the authority to do so (Psalm 62:11). Before the world was, God was, so He does not have to obtain permission to do anything nor can anything occur with out His allowing. This shows His sovereignty and authority which cannot be usurped, invalidated, or shaken.
God Himself nor His word ever change (Malachi 3:6). There are so many powerful scriptures on this aspect of God and His Kingdom that we need to save a more thorough discussion of this topic for another post. It is this characteristic that we, as believers, must tap. If he has spoken it in His word, it is already done because once He has decreed a thing, it cannot be changed (Numbers 23:19, Isaiah 55:10-11, James 1:17 and many others).
God’s Kingdom is characterized by His justice and righteous judgment (Psalm 89:14). He graciously causes the sun to shine and the rain to fall on all mankind(Matthew 5:45). He is no respecter of persons and desires all to come into the knowledge of Him with equal opportunity (II Peter 3:9). He is not biased in this manner as we see the various forms of bias in the world’s systems. After Jesus’ ransom was paid on the cross of Calvary, anyone has the opportunity to come to the Father through Jesus. The characteristic of justice in God’s Kingdom is important for finances and wealth because it is the trait that ensures the invisible forces which steal from the children of God are dealt with and the inheritances are returned to the heirs of the promises—that is you and I.
God’s Kingdom is eternal. Although we experience it while on the earth, this represents just Part One for us. Our experience of His Great Kingdom continues even after our life on this earth has ended through the gift of eternal life which God promised and fulfilled through Jesus Christ (Titus 1:1-3).
Within you
God’s Kingdom is within each of us as believers (Luke 17:20-21). We are therefore able to take the Kingdom everywhere we go. Not only can we take it everywhere, but because the things in you flow out, we spread it everywhere as well. This is how the Kingdom is constantly enlarged.
Citizenship in God’s Kingdom
“How do I become a citizen?”
When you are reborn as a new creature in Christ(II Corinthians 5:17), you become a citizen of the Kingdom. The work of Christ on the cross ratified the redemption from sin and death for all of us. Once you have accepted salvation, your “green card” is stamped in the blood of Christ never to be revoked.
“What does citizenship get me?”
Once you are a citizen, in addition to eternal life, all of the promises in the word are yours . If you can find it in the word and apply to your life, you can have it although not very much in the Bible happens without faith. You have to learn to use your faith in God as currency in His Kingdom just as we currently use the dollar in America (see the next section). Ironically, it is not as hard as we sometimes make it. As a matter of fact, the world exhibits a lot of faith, just not in God. The world and even we, as Christians, often put faith in many things, but find it difficult to put faith in God. There are many reasons for this, but too many to get into for this post. We will have to save this topic for a later date.
Currency of the Kingdom: Faith in His Word
In three weeks, we have gotten really deep really fast. You may feel overwhelmed or like you are not comprehending all of the spiritual insights being presented. You may even be feeling like this has nothing to do with your finances and ability to accumulate wealth. I can’t emphasize enough just how much it actually does have to do with finances and wealth. I really want to encourage you to continue reading and meditating on God’s word and the spiritual insights being shared because even if you can’t see it yet, the word is already working in you. Hearing the word produces faith and faith is the currency used in God’s Kingdom.
As with many other things in God’s kingdom, the word functions like a seed. It must first be planted in good ground. With just a couple of other simple conditions met like watering and sunlight, it grows. Yes, it grows on its own with no further intervention from the planter (Mark 4:26-27). This is the miracle of God, the power of God, the mystery of God, the provision of God, and the greatness of God.
If you have made the quality decision as described in week one, the word is already working in you. How do I know this? That decision is your “good soil”. When a seed is planted in the ground, it is out of sight. Although it cannot be seen, it germinates in the soil and before long, it sprouts. Every time you experience the word—whether through receiving, meditating on, applying, or sharing it—you are experiencing the manifestation of a previously planted seed. Rightly planted seed always produces. The word you have received so far and will receive as it concerns wealth and finances according to God’s system will sprout in you and become fruitful.
Fruit always provides three benefits: 1) fruit as a provision for daily living, 2) fruit to share with others, and 3) fruit that bears in it more seed serving as its means to multiply. This is the power of God’s Kingdom and how He ordained it to become overflowing.
Each week we have gone deeper and deeper on the various topics being presented. If you have any questions or something seems unclear, write it down and feel free to share it. You will see that God, in His faithfulness, will provide clarity regarding the question in His own perfect timing. Below are some key takeaways from this week’s post.
- Principles of God’s Kingdom can be applied to every facet of our lives.
- God intends the wealth He brings into our lives to last into future generations.
- The word of God needs to be the spiritual foundation of our financial and wealth accumulation strategies.
- A spiritually-minded individual acknowledges God as the ultimate source of any resource he or she may have. A carnally-minded individual does not acknowledge God, but the resource itself, as his or her ultimate source.
- A spiritually-minded individual is able to respond to famine and storms with faith, peace, and divine solutions instead of fear, panic, and despair.
- God’s Kingdom possesses the following characteristics: it is true, overflowing, unshakable, unchanging, just, eternal, and within us.
- The word of God functions as a seed producing faith in God.
- Faith is the currency of God’s Kingdom and will be required for any thing you receive from it.
- Rightly planted seed always produces.