The Power of the Seed

Over the past three weeks, there has been great effort made to lay a spiritual foundation for the insights we will obtain regarding wealth accumulation and finances. Anything we could build would not have lasting power to stand without being founded upon the Word of God. Last week, we talked about the greatness of God’s system compared to anything the world could ever offer. We explored seven specific traits that make God’s Kingdom so superior: it’s True, Abundant, Unchangeable, Unshakable, Just, Everlasting, and Within you. As we transition from setting the foundation to starting to build walls for our wealth accumulation knowledge, I want to focus on the abundance characteristic of the Kingdom—specifically, how it relates to the seed and how the seed relates to wealth accumulation. Even though we have not jumped right into it from day one, Wealth Accumulation is the main topic and focus of this entire blog.
Up to this point, I have not offered any evidence of these spiritual truths at work in my own life, so you may be wondering what makes me credible. Honestly, everything I have shared and will share is based on the Word of God and the Word of God stands on its own. Nevertheless, I have put it into action and seen it working first-hand. To see a short video of just part of my experience in seeing the manifestation of God’s Word, click the button below, but be sure to come back and read the remainder of this week’s post.
God’s self-sustaining system
When God created the heavens and earth, He orchestrated ways and means by which the earth would be continually supplied with everything it would ever need. In His divine power, wisdom, and might, He made the earth to be self-sustaining, self-sufficient, and self-producing. This has occurred without interruption since the beginning of time. If we take a minute to really let this sink in, we realize just how awesome of a feat this was alone. And since God orchestrated it, we must acknowledge how awesome God is.
Think of the consequences of the sun not fulfilling its ordained function for just one day. It holds the planets in orbit, provides energy to the Earth in the form of light and radiant heat, and dictates the seasons we experience. Any one of these functions failing would be catastrophic for all life on Earth—let alone all of them failing at once. It is the faithfulness of God that has kept the sun, moon, and stars in their courses fulfilling their ordained purposes since the beginning of time. Similar examples of this self-sustaining ability are seen in the cycle of water, air, vegetation, animals, and human life. It is the omniscience of God that designed this powerful self-sufficient system. As discussed last week, the spiritually-minded man acknowledges this while the carnally-minded man does not.
Power of the seed (an illustration)
When God created the earth, He not only made it self-sustaining, but He also made it vast and ready to be filled. He gave the vegetation, the animals, and mankind the power to reproduce in order to replenish it. Moreover, He gave mankind (i.e. man and woman) the specific mandate to “be fruitful and multiply” (Genesis 1:28). He gave us several tools to accomplish this. The one we are going to focus on now is the power to multiply by using the seed. To bring insight to this spiritual truth, we are going to use an illustration to present the three distinct seasons of a seed and show how the power to multiply leads to abundance.
The “Sowing” Season: Say we were given apple seeds to plant. When I was helping my father-in-law plant his garden once, he taught me that it is best to use 2 to 3 seeds per hole in order to maximize the likelihood of growth. So for the sake of our illustration, let’s say we start with 15 seeds being given to us and ample land to plant them. Using three seeds per location, we end up with five locations planted. We are diligent to meet all the basic requirements for good results—plenty of water, good soil, and fertilizer. Now that we have the seed in the ground, we transition from the sowing season to the growing season where we have to wait for the trees to sprout, mature, and hopefully bear fruit.
The “Growing” Season: During the growing season, there is not much we as the planters can do to speed up the process. It is the miracle of God which sends the rain, heats the earth, and allows the seeds to germinate and eventually sprout. It is easy to take this process for granted, but it is the faithfulness of God we rely on to carry out this process and thus provide the “increase” (I Corinthinians 3:6). While waiting, one thing we decide to do is prepare for the eventual harvest by doing things like purchasing harvesting supplies and finding storage for our harvest. We also commit to a strategic plan that for every apple produced, we will replant its seeds in the same way as the originals. This will be done uncompromisingly whether we consume the apple ourselves, give it to a family member or neighbor, or preserve it for consumption later.
The “Reaping” Season: All of our work, preparation, and waiting has led up to this season—harvest time! According to Eartheasy website, a standard sized apple tree can take 3 to 5 years to mature, but one tree can produce an average of 500 apples per season for the next 15 to 20 years. In our illustration, let’s imagine after waiting the first 5 years, we have 5 trees times 500 apples per tree which yields 2500 apples. Pretty nice harvest! However, remember during the growing season, we made a commitment to replant the seeds from the produce we harvested from the initial planting, so the seeds from our 2500 apples now become 2500 new trees. Also recall, we have plenty of acres to use so we are not limited on how many trees we can plant. Not to turn this into a math lesson but using such a process, after the second five year period, we would have 500 apples per tree times 2500 trees which would yield 1,250,000 apples. Wow, over one million apples…talk about ABUNDANCE! This is way more than we could ever consume alone, so now we can definitely give them away even more generously. We never have to worry about going lacking on apples. Furthermore, our neighbors, family, and friends who see how this process has worked for us are convinced by our testimony that it can work for them the same way!

7 spiritual insights about the seed
The hypothetical scenario above is a powerful illustration of how God intended the seed along with the principle of sowing and reaping to work in the earth. The illustration presents many notable insights regarding the seed. It is important to note that although the function of a seed is understood as a natural process, the creation and establishing of this process since the beginning of time is supernatural and could only be designed by the LORD our God. This is a fundamental spiritual truth we need to internalize to unleash the power of the seed in our finances and efforts to accumulate wealth. Let’s explore several of the observations in the illustration to gain spiritual insight on how to apply this to wealth accumulation.
1) Everyone has been given seed
In the illustration, we were given fifteen seeds initially. It didn’t seem like much, but by the end, those fifteen seeds produced 2500 trees and over one million apples. When we think spiritually, we will realize that there are many types of seed, not just the vegetation type used in the illustration. One of the most potent seeds we have been given as believers is the Word of God (Luke 8:11) and faith (Romans 12:3b). In His faithfulness, God will make sure everyone has at least had an opportunity to hear His word which is a chance to apply and grow the measure of faith each of us has been given. Once your faith starts producing fruit, you are more emboldened with all of your other seed. Keep reading to know what other types of seed we have as believers.
2) Rightly planted seed always produces
When a seed is placed in the correct environment under the right conditions, it grows (Mark 4:26-27). There is no additional intervention needed by the sower for this part of the process as it is simply the miracle of God.
The important thing to note here is that every seed has a specific environment in which it thrives. The seed of fruit trees thrives in the ground where it is in the soil, but take note of the results when the servant in Matthew 25 buried the master’s money in the ground. It didn’t grow at all and he was called “wicked” and “lazy” for not recognizing the right environment where the seed of money would thrive (Matthew 25:14-18 & v24-26). He had monetary seed, just like the first and second servant, but unlike them, he did not sow it in the correct environment where it could thrive.
3) All seed requires faith
Once a seed is buried, it is out of sight. Regardless of how many times you have seen a seed sprout before, the outcome of your next seed is completely in the hands of God’s ordained process for the seed to germinate and sprout again. This is why each new seed requires faith to be attached to it. While it is in the ground, you cannot see what is happening to it. You could dig it up to see, but by doing that, you would ruin the opportunity for it to sprout and become fruitful. So you must let it go through its process without being able to actually see that process taking place before your eyes. This is the basic definition of faith. Recall that faith is the substance of things hoped for and evidence of things not seen (Hebrews 11:1)Also, recall it is faith that pleases God (Hebrews 11:6). Thus, every time you sow a seed of any kind, you should automatically apply a seed of faith along with it. If you’re not applying faith, then chances are you are applying facts and fear (this is programming from the world’s system which we will save for a separate post).
4) When seed is used properly, abundance is inevitable
The illustration showed how just fifteen seeds were turned into 1,250,000 apples over two maturing seasons. It was not rocket science or extremely complicated math. It was simply faith in the process, obedience to the instructions, and seed with which to start. Everything we need to achieve an abundant harvest can be summed up with the acronym S. O. W. which stands for Seed, Obedience, and the Word of God which produces the faith needed. In our illustration, there was no limit on how many trees we could plant because we had access to unlimited acres of land. This holds true in the spiritual realm and the natural realm. There is no limit on how often you can sow love, joy, peace, kindness, faithfulness, goodness, and gentleness to every person and situation you encounter (these are all fruit of the Spirit listed in Galatians 5:22-23; any fruit you see is the manifestation of a previously planted seed of the same kind). Similarly, there is no limit on how often you can sow money as a seed to every investment, cause, idea, or plan where you are given the opportunity.
5) Satan wants to steal your seed
Many of us Christians think Satan wants to steal our “stuff”. This is true to an extent, but if our stuff is keeping us distracted and not focused on the will of God, he would rather us keep it. What he really is after is our seed. If he can swindle our seed away from us before we get it in the ground, his job becomes much easier and has longer effects. This is what he has done successfully with finances and wealth in many communities for a long time, Christian communities included. He has stolen the seed that holds the potential for our abundant harvests—both the tangible seed in the form of money and the spiritual seed in the form of the Word and the faith needed to grow that seed. Now is the time to get your real “stuff” back. The spiritual truths we are disclosing now will equip and empower you to do so.
6) The favor of God can accelerate any seed’s process
In the illustration, it took five years for the apple seeds to grow into trees and start producing fruit. If we had planted it five years before today, we would be happy; however, planting it today would mean we now have a five-year waiting period on our hands. To our detriment, the world’s system has trained us to not be willing to wait. God’s system, however, requires us to wait, but it is for our benefit not our detriment. This is why James says that the testing of our faith will produce perseverance and perseverance makes us mature and complete. He goes on to say that as a result of this maturing, we will find ourselves “not lacking anything” (James 1:2-4). The last part is powerful on so many levels, but the main takeaway is that once we are mature in our faith and willing to wait through our seed’s growing season, we will enjoy the abundance of our harvests to the point where there is no lack. Keep this in mind when we discuss the different types of seed in the next section.
Even though the growing season may take longer than we are accustomed to from the world’s flawed perspective, there is another truth at work here that cannot be overlooked. God created the process for the seed, so He has the authority to determine how long the process takes. A day with God is as a thousand years and a thousand years is as one day (Psalm 90:4, II Peter 3:8) God gave us time and seasons for a purpose, but when it comes to manifestation of His blessings, time is not a restriction for Him. As creator of all things, He has every resource at His fingertips to accomplish His purpose. The question is not “can He bring into fruition” but “do we have faith in Him to bring it into fruition?” and “will we reverence and praise Him knowing that He can?” I would contend that the reason we have to wait for manifestation is less about the process of the seed and more about the maturing of our faith. Once our faith and trust in Him is mature, He can accelerate the time it takes for seed to produce in our lives using our matured faith.
7) Your obedience to His instruction for your seed makes things easier
We have hit on this point many times already, but it cannot be overstated: the seed grows with no special action taken by the planter other than putting it in the ground. In some cases, plants may have special instructions such as watering it every two days or keeping it in a shaded area. This is where obedience to instruction is required.
How many times have you assembled a piece of furniture or child’s toy without following the instructions? You often end up having to start over because you left out an important piece or you end up placing a part on backwards. The wasted time or jacked-up outcome is a result of not following the instructions to the tee. Following the instructions that were provided would have made things so much easier and quicker. Why don’t we choose to follow them from the beginning then? We call ourselves “saving time”. Ironic!
If we obey the basic instructions, things come out as the designer intended.
Money: a type of seed
We recognize and acknowledge the obvious types of seed around us like the apple seed in our illustration, but there are many more types of seed to which we can apply the same spiritual insights from the previous section. When we take hold of these truths and apply them to all the forms of seed we have been given, we can activate the abundance of God’s kingdom in our lives. Below we list various types of seed categorized by the three realms discussed in week 2.
Seed of the spiritual realm
- the Word of God
- faith
- love (agape)
- joy, peace, kindness & all other fruit of the Spirit
- spiritual gifts
- lies (although not good, these have power to bear fruit also)
Seed of the soul realm
- love (eros, philia, etc.)
- praise, appreciation, etc.
- knowledge
- ideas
- thoughts
- doctrine
- talents
- strife, hatred & dissension
- ambition
- jealousy
Seed of the physical realm
- seed of various fruit and vegetation (pollen functions as a type of seed)
- sperm/egg (this includes humans and all other animal species)
- money*
Any spiritual seed has supremacy over any seed in the other two realms. If you are ever unsure which realm a seed is categorized, you can easily determine it based on the type of fruit it bears. A couple of years ago, doctors informed my wife and I that there were some physical complications present that were affecting us having children after we had been trying for a period of time. Children are examples of physical seed. They gave us options for medical procedures to overcome these complications, but we elected to wholly trust God. In response to the medical advice, we planted some spiritual seed of faith for our desired physical seed, believing that we would overcome these complications knowing it was God’s will. The LORD responded to and confirmed our faith in Him by giving my wife the name “Malachi” very early on. We further demonstrated our faith in God’s promise by buying baby clothes and regularly discussing how we would rear him. We regularly decreed, meditated on, and encouraged each other with God’s Word through scriptures such as Psalm 128:3-6, Psalm 89:33-34, and II Corinthians 1:20. We attended a KCM conference in September of 2017 that ignited our belief even more after hearing powerful word-based teaching and declarations on Faith from Kenneth Copeland and Dr. Bill Winston. About seven months after this, our spiritual seed manifested—the physical seed was forced to align. Today, we have a fifteen month old son named “Alexander Malachi.”
When we learn to use money as a seed, we can experience God’s blessing of the seed for our finances and wealth accumulation, but it has to start with the spiritual seed—that is the Word and faith. This concept is simple to read and understand, but it is much harder to implement. The reason relates back to our minds being programmed and enslaved to the world’s system which is under Satan’s influence. Much of this programming is built on fear not faith. This is why you must start planting your spiritual seed of faith by declaring the Blessing of God over your life and your finances. Even if your natural circumstances don’t line up right now, when you access your blessings by faith in the spiritual realm, your natural circumstances will be forced to align with the Word of God.
In the previous section, we discussed how rightly planted seed always produces. Money is a type of seed that grows in the environment of investments. There are various types of investments which we will explore in a separate blog post dedicated to that one topic. Many of us reading this blog never learned about or got exposed to investing at all. That means most of (if not all of) the seed we have had in the form of money up to this point has either been put in the wrong ground or in the ground of someone else’s garden for them to reap the fruit. In either case, this is one of the ways Satan swindles us out of our monetary seed where part of the manifestation of God’s promises of our wealth and finances resides. We have to start placing seed in the ground for ourselves and our future generations. This is the will of God. He wants to get wealth back in the hands of His people (i.e. the Church), so that we have the necessary provisions to carry out Kingdom business. Money represents just one of those necessary provisions.
Why is obedience to instruction a challenge?
Satan sometimes understands the promises of God better than we do. He knows God can fulfill His promises, but our obedience plays a major part in how easily that happens. Since He can’t challenge God head-on to stop the promises, he targets you and me to stop us from being obedient to God’s instructions. He uses deception, lies, temptations, and distractions to lure us away from God’s plan and keep us from carrying out His instructions. He knows that if we obey and are relentless, we will go from just five trees to over one million apples in a matter of time. It is just as Paul said, “…in due season we shall reap, if we faint not” (Galatians 6:9).
In the context of money, how much more impact could the Church have if the wealth which the world currently has was in the hands of God’s people? Not only would we be able to help break vicious cycles for ourselves such as the example given in week one, we could also help other families break cycles and bring them to Christ. We could help countless people escape the bondage of the world while spreading the love and salvation of Jesus Christ.
Why aren’t the wealthy people in the world already doing that?
There are millionaires and billionaires in the world who have the means to do the things being described. They have money to give to and sponsor charitable causes at a high level, but a majority of them do not. Why? In general, they don’t care about God, His Kingdom, nor His agenda. They, however, understand God’s principle of sowing and reaping as it concerns money much better than the people of God. As a matter of fact, they have used it “religiously” to accumulate their wealth, so they don’t struggle with being obedient in this area as Christians do. They see and experience the fruit of this process as it concerns money everyday. In other words (using our original illustration), they are well past the five trees from the first season and now well into the harvesting millions of apples season after season. The drawback is how they choose to use their harvest. They fall in love with money and things of the world. Since God and His Kingdom are not the priority, their wealth is used to further the agendas of the world’s system which is at odds with God’s system (James 4:4). We talked about the world’s system in week 2. We, as members of the body of Christ (i.e. the Church), can’t rely on and expect the world to do our job.
This is why God has to get the wealth transferred back to the people of God—so we can advance His agenda . The thing that is holding us back the most is disobedience.
This week was all about seed. We are really diving in deep now and I pray you all are sticking with the journey. Hopefully, this post has planted a seed or watered something that was already in you making you more excited about the empowering truth of God’s Word. With all the topics we are hitting on, I realize you may have questions week to week. Please don’t hesitate to send any questions, comments, or feedback to The questions will be responded to as soon as possible and may even be included in future posts.
- The abundance of God’s Kingdom is accomplished through the power of the seed.
- God made the earth to be self-sustaining, self-sufficient, and self-producing.
- Seed goes through three distinct seasons: the Sowing season, the Growing season, and the Reaping season.
- Everyone has been given seed in various forms. Rightly planted seed always produces, but every seed has a specific environment in which it thrives.
- All seed requires faith, but when used properly, an abundant harvest is inevitable.
- Satan wants to steal your seed, not your “stuff”.
- The favor of God can accelerate any seed’s process, but your obedience to God’s instruction for your seed makes things easier.
- Seeds can be categorized in one of the three realms. Just as the spiritual realm has supremacy over the soul and physical realms, spiritual seed has supremacy over the soul and physical seed.
- Money is a type of seed. It thrives in the environment of investments.
- Money is just one of the provisions needed for the Church to carry out Kingdom business.
- God wants to get wealth in the hands of His people so the Church can advance His agenda. We can’t count on the world to do the Church’s job.
- Disobedience is holding the body of Christ back as it concerns God’s blessings in our finances and ability to accumulate wealth.
- Start identifying where and how your monetary seed has been swindled away over the years and what you can do to protect your seed.
- Think of ways you can sow even more spiritual seed at home, your job, your church, or your social media accounts with a fresh perspective of how powerful seed can be.
- Think of ways you can prepare for your abundant harvest now (to think like this requires faith and faith is what pleases God).
As always, feel free to review previous blog posts and share with anyone you believe will be blessed by the spiritual truth contained therein. God bless!