The Role of Money in Our Lives

Money has a specific role. When you use it properly in your finances, you can grow your wealth and preserve your most valuable asset--time....

The Power of the Seed

Over the past three weeks, there has been great effort made to lay a strong spiritual foundation...As we transition from setting the foundation to starting to build walls for our wealth accumulation knowledge, I want to focus on the abundance characteristic of the Kingdom—specifically, how it relates to the...

Understanding Wealth

We have talked about the spiritual foundation needed to build wealth according to God’s plan. Now, we define “wealth” from a spiritual perspective....

The Importance of Obedience

The final topic we are discussing before moving forward is the importance of obedience with respect to God's word. Obedience is a critical part of the spiritual foundation required for the full manifestation of God's promises for wealth. Why is that? Because obedience is an integral part of faith...

Divine Favor

Favor Last week, we talked about tithing being a spiritual act of obedience that secures protection over your finances and that protection is a pre-requisite for a believer to start building wealth. This week we are expounding on a second benefit of the tithe—divine favor. The idea of favor is...

Divine Protection

Checkpoint I pray that the spiritual truth we have been experiencing the past four weeks is transforming your thinking and renewing your mind. Each week, you may feel challenged in one area of your life or another, but you should also feel emboldened and empowered. This is exactly what...

The Greatness of God’s System

In this week’s post, we discuss the importance of having a strong spiritual foundation of understanding regarding the Kingdom. We also discuss some of the characteristics that make it so great. One great benefit of learning more about how God’s Kingdom operates is that we will be able to...

Three Realms of Wealth & Finances

Last week, we talked about certain forces at work to keep people in bondage by stifling their ability to accumulate wealth. This week we take another step toward liberation by exploring what it means to operate in the spiritual realm (one of the three realms) with our finances....

Spiritual Truths for Wealth Accumulation Introduction

This is an Introduction to a series of powerful Spiritual Truth blogs that will empower Christian believers to emancipate from the world's system of financial bondage and start accumulating wealth God's way. Becoming free begins with a simple, quality spiritual decision....